APPG launches inquiry report on fight against TB in England

The fight against Tuberculosis (TB) in England must be stepped up if the disease is to be beaten, MPs have warned.In a report published ahead of World TB Day on 24 March, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global TB says that, while rates of the disease have...

World TB Day marked at parliamentary reception

nThis week, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global TB marked World TB Day at a reception in Parliament. With this year’s World TB Day theme being “It’s Time”, it is fitting that the event took place only a few metres away from Big Ben, generously hosted by the...

Nick Herbert MP calls for debate on World TB Day nToday, Nick Herbert MP called for a debate to mark World TB Day.n nMr Herbert, who co-chairs the APPG on Global TB, noted that TB remains the world’s deadliest infectious disease globally, highlighting both the high...

APPGs meet with Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands

nToday, Members of the All-Party Parliamentary Groups on HIV/AIDS, Global Tuberculosis, and Malaria and NTDs met with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria’s new executive director, Peter Sands. n nDuring the closed roundtable discussion, Mr Sands...

Peers press government to step up action on TB

Today, Members of the House of Lords pressed the government to step up its efforts in the global fight against TB to ensure that the world reached the targets of the UN High-Level Meeting on TB. nLord Collins of Highbury led today’s Oral Question in the House of...